7 research outputs found

    Transmission Investment Coordination using MILP Lagrange Dual Decomposition and Auxiliary Problem Principle

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    This paper considers the investment coordination problem for the long term transmission capacity expansion in a situation where there are multiple regional Transmission Planners (TPs), each acting in order to maximize the utility in only its own region. In such a setting, any particular TP does not normally have any incentive to cooperate with the neighboring TP(s), although the optimal investment decision of each TP is contingent upon those of the neighboring TPs. A game-theoretic interaction among the TPs does not necessarily lead to this overall social optimum. We, therefore, introduce a social planner and call it the Transmission Planning Coordinator (TPC) whose goal is to attain the optimal possible social welfare for the bigger geographical region. In order to achieve this goal, this paper introduces a new incentive mechanism, based on distributed optimization theory. This incentive mechanism can be viewed as a set of rules of the transmission expansion investment coordination game, set by the social planner TPC, such that, even if the individual TPs act selfishly, it will still lead to the TPC's goal of attaining overall social optimum. Finally, the effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated through several simulation studies

    Toward Distributed/Decentralized DC Optimal Power Flow Implementation in Future Electric Power Systems

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    This paper reviews distributed/decentralized algorithms to solve the optimal power flow (OPF) problem in electric power systems. Six decomposition coordination algorithms are studied, including analytical target cascading, optimality condition decomposition, alternating direction method of multipliers, auxiliary problem principle, consensus+innovations, and proximal message passing. The basic concept, the general formulation, the application for dc-OPF, and the solution methodology for each algorithm are presented. We apply these six decomposition coordination algorithms on a test system, and discuss their key features and simulation results

    A Survey of Distributed Optimization and Control Algorithms for Electric Power Systems

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    Historically, centrally computed algorithms have been the primary means of power system optimization and control. With increasing penetrations of distributed energy resources requiring optimization and control of power systems with many controllable devices, distributed algorithms have been the subject of significant research interest. This paper surveys the literature of distributed algorithms with applications to optimization and control of power systems. In particular, this paper reviews distributed algorithms for offline solution of optimal power flow (OPF) problems as well as online algorithms for real-time solution of OPF, optimal frequency control, optimal voltage control, and optimal wide-area control problems